Expect the Unexpected: Three Survival Tips for the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Tuesday, November 8 brings the second eclipse in as many weeks, this time a full lunar eclipse in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Expect the unexpected, for sure. Full lunar eclipses are already intense events that can turn life circumstances on their head. But this particular event is occurring while the Moon is exactly conjunct Uranus, the planet of upheaval, surprises and volatility. 

There are a ton of other celestial events occurring at the same time as this eclipse, as well, adding to the unsteadiness. Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind, is entering into the heart of the Sun directly opposite the eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. This means that secrets and unexpected epiphanies could come to the surface. You may learn information about a life circumstance or relationship that leaves things forever changed.

Not only that, Saturn is square (90º) to the eclipse. Saturn represents the traditional foundations of our lives, from work to home to finances — these are all the fixed elements of daily living that give our circumstances structure and reliability. Uranus is the archetypical overthrower; he rebels against structure. With this eclipse happening under his influence, watch for the very foundations of life to be disrupted. People may lose their jobs (Twitter employees already got a dose of this), a major accident may drain bank accounts dry, properties may flood.

Also, this eclipse will occur on the North Node, which can speak to overwhelm and the future. It’s likely that whatever event happens under the influence of this eclipse will have future implications for you.

While the eclipse occurs on Tuesday, just like most full moons, the effects can be felt two or three days before and after. So how can you survive this major astrological event? Here are a few tips:

  1. Exercise caution. Don’t enter into any major new project, take a new job, buy a new car, start or end relationships or buy a home during this period. If the new venture can wait a week, that would be your best bet. Signing contracts or making big purchases during this time is a recipe for future problems.

  2. Ask questions. There’s an element of hidden information with this eclipse. If something happening around you in your relationships or work life doesn’t feel right, ask questions. Keep probing until you’re absolutely clear on expectations. 

  3. Adopt a “come what may” mindset. You may receive unexpected news and revelations during this period. Rather than react with explosiveness (hello, Uranus), it’s better to take a “this, too, will pass” approach. Not everything will require your immediate reaction or decision. Let the dust — and the eclipse period — settle before making drastic changes.

The eclipse will impact everyone differently depending on the particular configurations in your natal chart. If you’re interested in diving deeper into your chart, why not head over to my Book a Consultation page and schedule a time with me. Together we can discover what parts of your life are coming into focus and help you time your life with astrology.

PS: I’m now offering 20-minute mini natal chart consultations for $35. Want to give astrology a try, but not sure what to expect or whether you'll like it? This is the perfect way to get a taste of astrology. Book a session now!


Areas of Responsibility and Structure: What Does Saturn Mean in Astrology?


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