Five Tips for Surviving the Scorpio-Taurus Eclipse Season

Eclipses in ancient times were believed to be omens foretelling cataclysmic events. Workers plowing the fields would gasp in horror at the sight of the Sun being seemingly devoured by an unseen entity. Nowadays, we know a bit more than ancient field workers, but eclipses’ ominous connotations remain ingrained in our collective psyche.

Tuesday, Oct. 25 brings the first of two eclipses that we can expect over as many weeks. The first, a solar eclipse, will occur in the sign of Scorpio, and the second, a lunar eclipse, will occur in Taurus just two weeks later. 

But did you know we’re already well into the 2022 Scorpio-Taurus eclipse season despite the New Moon Solar Eclipse being still a few days off? That’s because eclipse seasons begin when the Sun is 18º degrees from the lunar nodes, which happened on Oct. 18. In short, you’re feeling the effects of the eclipse, even though you don’t realize it. And the excitement (read: challenges) will continue through mid November.

If you’re reading this blog post, it’s because you want to know what the eclipses will mean for you. This eclipse, belonging to the 6 South Saros Series, which began back in the year 1,049, carries with it the quality of the planets Pluto, Mars, Venus and Uranus, all wrapped up into one. Themes of personal power and authority, obsession, assertiveness, impulsiveness, ambition, sensuality, pleasure, creativity, money, rebellion and the unexpected are highlighted by this celestial event. 

Potential events could include:

  • Conflict and unforeseen developments in relationships where someone holds power over you, such as a fight with a boss who writes you up or makes you pay a visit to HR.

  • Claiming your personal power in dynamics where you’ve felt powerless. This could involve breaking up with a partner because you feel stifled and stuck.

  • Breaking out on your own in a creative pursuit, perhaps leaving a band or artist collective and going solo.

  • A chance encounter with a new person leaves you unexpectedly obsessed, or perhaps you find yourself pursuing someone you never thought you’d be into.

  • Impulsiveness with sex and drugs that leads to negative consequences.

So how can you survive this next month of eclipse season? Here are a few tips to consider:

  1. Don’t let Martian tendencies get the best of you. Right now Mars is lighting up Gemini and preparing for his retrograde period. This is going to bring restlessness, over thinking, anxiety and spinning our wheels. Now is the time to take up a cooling, mindful practice to help tamp down the excessive heat being generated. Consider taking up a slow-flow yoga practice, mantra meditation or swimming laps in the pool.

  2. Slow down. Rather than suffer the consequences of a sharp tongue or angry outburst, eliminate the potential for impulsive communication by slowing way, way down. Don’t respond to emails right away – nothing is so urgent that it requires a response right now. And stall in-person interactions by asking if you can get back to the person you’re speaking to with an answer later. 

  3. Delay your decisions. Don’t take rash actions. Unless you’re in danger, you don’t need to make decisions about your crappy relationship or precarious work situation today. Give yourself time to do the right thing, rather than regret the choice later.

  4. Claim your personal power. But don’t rob others of theirs at the same time. We can assert our values in a way that doesn’t leave coworkers, friends and relatives alienated and upset. The old Franklin Covey rule may come in handy here: “Seek first to understand, then be understood.”

  5. Mind your vices. Sex, alcohol and other unhealthy escape mechanisms can come to the fore under a Pluto influence, with his Dionysian impulses. Rather than numb yourself with pleasure when an unexpected or difficult event occurs, try feeling your feelings instead. Ask yourself what you’re trying to run away from.

Finally, look to the house topics where Scorpio and Taurus are in your chart. These are likely to be activated during these eclipses. Stay curious about how these are showing up in your life over the next days and weeks. And don’t feel the need to make dramatic moves or shifts to cope with the discomfort. Adopting mindful curiosity is likely a better strategy.

If you’d like to dive deeper into your natal chart to understand how eclipses and other transits are manifesting in your life, why not head over to my Book a Consultation page? I’d love to be able to help you understand how the stars are showing up for you.


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