What Does Jupiter in the 8th House Mean?

What does Jupiter in the 8th house mean?

The planet of blessings and benefits, Jupiter, sometimes finds himself in a precarious position in the birth chart.

In astrology Jupiter represents expansion and increase — when prominent, he can create wealth, help people rise to fame, and even make them educated and wise.

He's the god with the golden finger, after all. 

But what happens when he ends up in one of the so-called dark houses?

In traditional astrology, the 8th house deals with some of the more difficult topics of life. Taxes and debt gets assigned here. As does mental anguish, fear, and the occult. The darkest 8th house topic of all is death.

So it's no wonder that those with an 8th house Jupiter worry if they're doomed.

I can assure you that you're not.

Jupiter Means Expansion and Growth

Wherever Jupiter lands in a chart is going to be a place of growth. Jupiter is not content to let anything stay as it is. 

Being associated with higher knowledge and study, Jupiter represents an expansion of the mind and your horizons.

He's the force at work when you're traveling abroad to learn a new language or toiling away in a university library, studying for an advanced degree.

He makes professors, priests and lawyers.

In the 8th house Jupiter is going to expand your knowledge of the darker, difficult aspects of life.

Jupiter here can show someone who's put in the hours to learn the workings of the stock market. He may be an analyst for a hedge fund or a Wall Street bank. 

Similarly, Jupiter in the 8th can speak to someone with expansive knowledge of occult topics, such as mediumship, psychic phenomenon, or spirits. 

Take, for instance, Helena Blavatsky, the Russian spiritualist and mystic who was at the forefront of the Theosophical movement in the 1870s. 

Blavatsky traveled throughout Europe, India and Asia (international travel is a Jupiter signification) studying the mystical practices of different cultures.

She drew on Hermeticism, Hindu practices, Tibetan Buddhism and a number of other world religious traditions (also Jupiterian) to help create Theosophy, a melding of philosophy, religion, and the occult.

The Theosophical Society and Theosophy are now widely considered the precursors and ancestors to the modern New Age movement.

Jupiter Means Generosity and Optimism

Jupiter's placement in the birth chart can also speak to where you experience the most generosity and optimism. 

But reaching a place of hope and giving back to the suffering often means having traveled through your own period of difficulty first. 

Take, for instance, Hollywood and Broadway star Hugh Jackman.

At the age of eight, his parents divorced, which ended up splitting up his family. His mother left Australia with Jackman's sister, while he and his brothers remained with his father. 

Years later Jackman's mother acknowledged the post-partum depression that created a crisis in the family. 

"My mother was not well," Jackman told the Telegraph. "I always hoped she would come back, but I never blamed her for anything that went wrong. At the time, I was miserable and angry, and my brothers and I used to fight all the time."

Mental anguish is often associated with the 8th house. But so are its remedies.

In addition to acting on and off screen, Jackman now spends a good chunk of his time working with charitable organizations.

He's an advisor to the Global Poverty Project, a major donor to Charity:Water, a World Vision ambassador, and a supporter of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

The 8th house in traditional astrology is one of the places that receives the designation of metakosmias. That's a Greek term for the veil between the worlds.

When Jupiter is in the metakosmias, one often displays heightened compassion, a desire to help heal social ills and a need to support the marginalized in society.

Jupiter Means Excess

Jupiter gets a lot of flak for his superficiality — Jupiter does love overindulgence and the extravagant side of life.

So when Jupiter ends up in the 8th house, this could be a cautionary tale about debt.

Now, this is not to say every person with Jupiter here is going to have debt or tax problems. Far from it.

But it is one way that Jupiter here can manifest. And the problem may not be anyone's fault.

Take legendary singer Tina Turner. In the aftermath of her bitter divorce from her abusive husband and musical partner Ike Turner, the Proud Mary singer was left penniless.

She was forced to hand over her share of the duo’s joint property and even assumed massive amounts of tax debts, plus fines for canceled tour dates.

The 8th house often has associations with the financial resources of the marriage or life partner, so it becomes an active house during relationship splits.

Jupiter isn't one to leave you high and dry, though.

For a while after Turner's divorce, she found it difficult to get booked as a solo act. That is until her friends Cher and David Bowie pitched in to help resuscitate her career.

And that's another signification of Jupiter: support.

Wherever you find Jupiter, whether in the 8th house or somewhere else in the natal chart, you can always expect a little help from your friends.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into your natal chart, especially around Jupiter, why not hop over to my Book a Consultation page? Together we can chart a course for your year ahead and help you make sense of what blessings and increases Jupiter has in store for you.


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