Tobey Maguire Has Been Wearing the Same Shirt for 20 Years: Here’s the Astrological Reason Why

I came across a hilarious meme about Tobey Maguire of Spiderman fame where he’s shown wearing the same gray t-shirt over a two-decade time span. A quick Google image search of him confirmed that we’re dealing with someone who makes very practical fashion choices. Aside from his red carpet photos, where stylists and designers usually collaborate to dress celebrities for their appearances, Maguire is clearly a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. This got me thinking about what’s going on in his natal chart to inform these choices.

Turns out his ascendant is in one of the flashiest and flamboyant signs there is: Leo. The Leo gal or girl loves to stand out, be in the spotlight, deck themselves out in Prada clothes and Tiffany jewelry. When I think of Leo ascendants, I think of people like Marilyn Monroe and Jessica Alba. So why is Maguire so unlike his ascendant sign?

The answer lies in the planet that rules the ascendant and its placement in his chart. The Sun rules Leo. It’s bright, exuberant, shiny, and there’s no mistaking when he’s around. In short, the Sun is the central principle of life, the king who everyone wants to be around. But Maguire’s Sun is tucked away in the twelfth house of seclusion, retreat, and introspection. Astrologers often think about the twelfth house as a prison: planets that fall within its bounds struggle to go about doing the work they want to do in the chart because they’re essentially locked up. 

For Maguire, this means that some of that shininess and flamboyance that the Sun and his sign Leo are known for will fail to materialize. Now, obviously, Maguire is famous, gorgeous, and talented at what he does — and there are other factors in the chart that point to this like Venus in his first house, adding beauty and appeal to his overall physicality and demeanor, and an extremely strong Mars conjunct his midheaven, lending drive and determination to career success.

But when it comes to the practicality of the way he shows up in the world, his appearance and fashion choices, and how people see him — all things associated with the ascendant — the Sun hidden away in the twelfth is telling.

A few years back, he and jewelry designer Jennifer Meyers ended their marriage. It wasn’t a bitter divorce, but more of an amicable parting, from what I can tell from the tabloids. I found this interesting bit from a People article:

"They have completely different interests and haven’t seemed to be connecting," the insider said at the time. "He’s extremely private and prefers to stay home, and she’s very social and has tons of girlfriends."

An extremely private homebody who’s been wearing the same shirt for 20 years? Yeah, that sounds like a Leo whose Sun is hidden away in the twelfth to me.


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