What Does the New Moon in Sagittarius Mean for You?

New Moon in Sagittarius 2022

New beliefs, aspirations and dreams come into focus during this Wednesday’s New Moon in Sagittarius.

Every New Moon is about planting seeds that will germinate, grow and thrive in the six months leading up to the corresponding Full Moon to occur in Sagittarius in 2023. 

With this New Moon ruled by Jupiter, the quintessential guru, spiritual teacher and guide, you can expect that your horizons will broaden, you’ll embrace new beliefs that challenge your outlook on life, and harness energy to make hopes and aspirations a reality.

Jupiter will station direct in an out-of-sign trine aspect just as this New Moon perfects. With this lunation happening under his auspices, more so are Jupiterian themes of expansion and an adventurous spirit highlighted.

Here's what this New Moon means for you.

New Outlook on Life

Jupiter is never content to leave you where you are. His role is to keep you growing and expanding.

If you already have a well established spiritual practice and life philosophy, expect that new beliefs may come to the surface that challenge what you think you know.

You may already be experiencing the effects of this. Perhaps you've been exposed to a new spiritual practice — meditation, yoga, journaling, breathwork, or a philosphy — that has caught your imagination.

Don't resist! Even if these new ideas and practices are outside of your comfort zone, this is Jupiter working to expand your horizons.

Embrace an adventurous spirit, lean into the new knowledge that is coming to you from a different culture or spiritual tradition and see where it takes you.

Six months from now, you may look back on this moment as the time when you took a chance on a new belief that changed your life for good.

A Jump Start

With Jupiter stationing direct in Pisces as the Moon and Sun conjoin in the sign of the archer, you can expect that the Sagittarius part of your life will get a bit of a boost.

This may be a part of your life that's felt a bit like a car that stalled out on the highway. Jupiter stationing direct is like getting a jump from a kind stranger so you can get back on the road to where you're going.

Take a look at the Sagittarius and Pisces parts of your birth chart. What houses do they fall into?

If it's 2nd House, for instance, you may finally feel like you're experiencing headway with paying down debt and accumulating a bit of savings.

If it's 7th House, you may feel like you and your partner are finally starting to sort out a rough patch and getting back onto the path of mutual love, support and compassion.

This burst of renewed energy and vigor won't end with the New Moon, either. This is going to be part of a six-month story that continues to unfold leading up to the corresponding Sagittarius Full Moon next year.

Hopes, Dreams and Aspiration

The Piscean influence of this New Moon can't be downplayed. Jupiter stationing direct in his own sign is a big deal.

How come?

Well, because he's ushering in a new period of renewed hopes and dreams. 

I know that sounds very abstract and airy fairy, but hear me out.

Retrograde cycles have to do with the relationship between the planet in question, the Sun and our vantage point on Earth. Whenever a retrograde cycle comes to a close, a planet is entering into a renewed relationship with the Sun and us humans. 

With this relationship starting fresh in the sign of Pisces (while also being in a trine with the New Moon), we're getting a big dose of aspirational energy.

You may experience visions of what you want life to look like five or ten years from now. You may imagine a makeover of your relationships, career, family, where you live and more.

Now is the time to embrace whatever idealistic vision is coming to the surface and begin to lay the ground work for a concrete plan to make that dream a reality.

If you've been dreaming about starting your own business, why not use the New Moon to write out the practical steps you will take over the next six months to set you on a course toward making it happen?

All in all, this New Moon is about an adventurous spirit, leaning into the wild and crazy dreams you have about what life could be like and telling yourself that nothing is impossible.

I wish you the very best in making use of this New Moon in Sagittarius optimism.

If you'd like to dive deeper into what the Moon means for your life in relation to your birth chart, why not hop on over to my Book a Consultation page and schedule a time with me. I'd love to help you time your life with astrology.


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