Your Guide for Making the Most of the Venus Cazimi in Libra

Undoubtedly one of the most auspicious dates of the year approaches this week, Oct. 22, when Venus will be closely conjunct the Sun in the highly social and justice-oriented sign of Libra. But what will it mean for you?

Cazimi — also called Epikardia in Greek, meaning “in the heart of” — is a condition that occurs when a planet is within seventeen minutes of the exact degree of the Sun. The ancients viewed this as an especially blessed moment, with the Sun briefly relinquishing his power as the central organizing principle of the Cosmos to the Cazimi planet. In other words, Venus for a flash in time will take over the helm of the ship, using the Sun’s power and authority for her own purposes.

With this particular Cazimi occurring in the domicile of Venus — Libra — we get an even more powerful Venusian influence. The ancients saw Epikardia as a moment of purification, when a planet was cleansed through a process of ritual rebirth. Given Libra’s need for building social connections, establishing diplomatic ties through compromising, and attending to justice in the social order, it is safe to assume that our relationships, social standing, and bonds with others will undergo a kind of cleansing.

As Venus emerges from the rays of the Sun in the coming days following Oct. 22, watch for the feeling of a “second wind” when it comes to the places in your chart where Venus rules. If Libra (or Taurus) is your second house by Whole Sign, perhaps a new outlook or a restart will be underway in the area of finances. If in the seventh house, watch for relationships with your partner or business contacts to improve.

Venus is often seen as a general signifier for love. But she’s not always the planet of love in the context of a specific chart. This is why you need to find where Libra and Taurus sit in your Whole Sign chart. If you haven’t done so, I suggest pulling up your chart in Whole Sign via the free website

How can you make the most of this Cazimi?

First, find the exact time period when the Cazimi will occur in your area. Astro Seek offers the Venus Cazimi chart that you can edit to match your time zone.

Plan out how you’d like to use this moment of time, perhaps referring to your birth chart to discern what Venus signifies in your life.

  • If she’s your personal finance planet, why not use the Cazimi to make a donation to a charity that serves the hungry or homeless? This would be a faithful gesture of trusting that even if you’re low on funds right now, God/Universe will always provide for your needs.

  • If she’s the ruler of your fourth house of home and family, perhaps use the Cazimi for a family bonding activity like a game night or visiting your local ice cream parlor together. This is especially important for family relationships that have grown cold recently.

  • If she’s the ruler of your eleventh house of social groups, perhaps schedule a date night with a friend you haven’t seen in a long while. Or, better yet, connect with a friend from whom you’ve become estranged, and use the reconciliatory quality of the Cazimi to cleanse the air between you two.

These are all just suggestions. But hopefully you now see how you can bring the theme of the Cazimi into your life to purify and rectify relationships that are in need of a little tender loving care.

If you’re interested in diving into Venus and what she means in the context of your chart, why not Book a Consultation? Together we can dive deeper into the role of the Lesser Benefic in your chart and help time your life with astrology.


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Astrological Highlights for the Week of October 10