Astrological Highlights for the Week of October 2
Mercury stationed direct this week after three weeks of perilous communication mishaps, misunderstandings and technological snafus. This week, the planet of communication comes into contact with Neptune and Pluto, punctuating the need to gather the data before making judgments and a possibility of obsessive thinking.
Here are the full highlights of planetary interchanges that you can expect this week.
Monday, October 3
Mercury Opposite Neptune
This isnʻt the best time to make assumptions about a conflict or scenario going on in your life. Gather as much data as possible before coming to a conclusion and making a judgment.
Tuesday, October 4
Saturn Square Uranus
This is the last exact hit for this transit before Saturn begins to clear out of Uranusʻ orb. Unexpected breakthroughs, the break down of traditional structures and asserting autonomy against rigid power dynamics are highlighted here.
Wednesday, October 5
Mars Square Neptune
Mars bouncing around in Gemini for many months has a way of sapping our energy reserves, raising anxiety and increasing overactivity in the Gemini parts of our lives. Neptune adds to the exhaustion with his influence here.
Thursday, October 6
Mercury Trine Pluto
Intense emotions and obsessive thinking are highlighted by this interchange between the planet of communication and the ruler of the underworld. If youʻre ruminating on the negative, know that Mercury will clear out soon.
Friday, October 7
Moon Conjunct Neptune
Physical and mental exhaustion are likely under this planetary interchange. Neptune saps of us our energy, dissolves our ability to stay grounded in the present and casts a dream-like pall over our minds. This is a time for rest.
Saturday, October 8
Moon Conjunct Jupiter
This is a great time to indulge your mind in something new, whether enjoying a documentary about a far-off place or study an ancient philosophical text to gain a bit of wisdom and perspective. Jupiter wants you to expand your horizons.
If youʻd like to discover what the current planetary transits mean personally for you in relation to your natal chart, go to the “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. Iʻd love to help you time your life with astrology.