Full Moon in Aries: Determination, Impulsiveness, Agitation

Sunday, Oct. 9 brings a fiery and aggressive full Moon in the sign of Aries, adding a bit of heat to our lives. 

The full Moon is always about harvesting the fruits that were sown during the new Moon two weeks prior. The Libra new Moon highlighted our need for social and emotional connections, the anticipation of new beginnings in relationships, our desire to please others — sometimes at the expense of our own needs — and promising creative projects. 

Those relational issues come to fruition during this full Moon. The way this Aries Moon feels for you might have a great deal to do with how those relationship themes seem to be playing out thus far. 

For instance, if you’re not getting exactly what you want out of a personal relationship in your life, this full Moon might highlight an impulsive need to take matters into your own hands. Aries is a take-charge kind of sign — what Aries wants, Aries gets. The caution here is not to get too aggressive if matters are not going the way you want them to. With Gemini on fire with Mars energy, the last thing we need is more gasoline on a chart already aflame.

However, if relationship issues seem to be panning out well, this Aries Moon could potentially be about an additional level of determination and drive to push things over the finish line. Now may be a time to make a commitment to a person you’ve been dating who seems like a promising mate. Or forging ahead with a creative venture that has the potential for success.

In general, stay alert for agitation, impulsiveness, explosive outbursts, intense speech and anger. You can remediate some of these Martian tendencies by eating cooling foods like a salad, getting into your body and out of your head with yoga or some other movement, or even watching an action movie.

If you’d like to discover what upcoming new and full Moon cycles have to say within the context of your specific chart, hop on over to the “Book a Consultation” page. The Moon, in concert with all the other planets in your chart gives a full picture of you, your strengths, and your challenges. Together we can create a roadmap to maximize the benefits of your natal placements, minimize the impact of challenging positions, and time your life with astrology. 


Mars Retrograde in Gemini: Impulsiveness, Agitation and Conflict


Astrological Highlights for the Week of October 2