Mars Retrograde in Gemini: Impulsiveness, Agitation and Conflict

Mars goes retrograde on October 30, setting off a roughly ten-week period that will trigger concrete events and emotions related to the Gemini part of your chart. 

Mars, the archetypical warrior, is an energy planet. His significations are related to the power and intensity that we lend to the various projects and challenges in our life. With Mars, a hot and dry planet, in Gemini, a hot and moist sign, we’re likely to feel a bit of extra heat in our lives. This could manifest as a tendency to spin our wheels, obsess and overthink, an increase in anger and agitation and emotional outbursts that alienate us from others.

Retrograde periods are often about redoing, reevaluating and rethinking something that has already occurred. Think back to roughly August 20 when Mars first entered Gemini. What events began to unfold for you during the latter part of August and through September? You may find yourself back in the thick of those challenges, attempting to revise what you thought you’d already solved.

To help you dig a bit deeper into the Mars Retrograde meaning for your life, here are some potential manifestations through the twelve houses.

First House — The Self

Re-evaluating the way you care for your body and how you want to appear toward others. Obsessing over the way your body looks. More intense exercise routines or the desire to get back to an exercise routine you abandoned. 

Second House — Finances

Reconsidering the way you manage your money. Being more impulsive with spending and burning through money quickly. Obsessing over your finances. Rethinking your priorities when it comes to where you spend your money. Anxiety and overthinking financial issues.

Third House — Siblings, Relatives, Communications

Rehashing old disputes with siblings or friends. Rash emails and text messages. Getting into fights with people on social media. Feeling overwhelmed with the quantity and intensity of communication. Routines are disrupted and more chaotic than usual.

Fourth House — Home, Family

Conflicts with your family and roommates resurface. Renovation and landscaping projects on your home or property. Things breaking around the home. Fires. 

Fifth House — Children, Creativity

Disputes with children that you thought were already settled. Children throw tantrums and feel agitated or impatient. Feeling frustrated with creative projects or hobbies that you used to enjoy.

Sixth House — Illness, Injury, Work

Heat-related body issues like inflammation, eczema, dry skin, perfuse sweating, and acne. Mind is more agitated than normal. Increased anxiety. Mental and emotional overwhelm. Pets experiencing skin rashes or other heat issues. Disputes with coworkers resurface.

Seventh House — Relationships

Partner appearing more agitated than normal. Partner experiencing heat-related health issues (see above). Conflicts with partner come back to the forefront of the relationship. Being more terse and argumentative with your partner.

Eighth House — Partner’s Money, Psyche

Old tax or debt issues resurface and cause major headaches. Partner’s finances take a hit. Being overly aggressive with investment-related issues. Stocks or investments hit a rough patch. Selling off stocks impulsively.

Ninth House — Religion, Wisdom, Learning, Travel

Rethinking your relationship to religion, faith or spirituality. A crisis of religion. Publishing projects experience a setback or delay. International or long-distance travel place experience a delay or get put on hold. An impulsive need to travel.

Tenth House — Career, Public Reputation

Anxiety related to your work or career life. Having a career crisis, perhaps feeling stuck and wanting a change, getting laid off or getting in trouble with HR at work. Relationships with bosses or coworkers suffer. Intense communication with coworkers. Angry outbursts at work.

Eleventh House — Friends and Groups

Rethinking friendships that no longer serve you. Cutting ties with friends or professional groups who don’t resonate with you anymore. Disputes between friends resurface. A friend you haven’t seen in a while comes back into the picture, along with the old baggage from that relationship.

Twelfth House — Solitude, Hidden Enemies, Self-Undoing

Mental and emotional exhaustion. Heightened anxiety. Discovering that an enemy has been undermining you. Cutting yourself off from others, increased solitude. Agitation related to increased isolation.

Want to learn more about what Mars Retrograde will mean for you in the context of your specific chart? Book a consultation today. Together we can plot a roadmap to help you time your life with astrology.


Astrological Highlights for the Week of October 10


Full Moon in Aries: Determination, Impulsiveness, Agitation