Relationship Shakeup - Astro Weather for March 27 to April 2

This week is exceedingly less busy than previous weeks: no big, life-altering sign changes to report. The week begins with a strong transit for finances, starting new business deals, and commerce. 

On Monday, March 27, Mercury will come into a conjunction with Jupiter, signaling big beneficial energy for stuff like commerce, banking, doing your taxes, accounting and organizing. Jupiter is the planet of benefits and blessings, and anytime a planet comes into conjunction with him, you can think of it as the start of a new cycle or the beginning of a story related to whatever that planet is about. For Mercury, he’s the planet associated with business deals. Something about the transit feels like getting the windfall or financial backing that you need to get moving on a commercial enterprise that you’ve been waiting for. This is a great time to be doing some analyzing of your finances, planning how you want to use the support of benefactors to get a project or venture moving. On the emotional and intellectual level, Mercury is coming out of the beams of the Sun – he’s not quite there yet – and beginning his approach toward maximum elongation and his eventual retrograde in late April. Right now he’s in position to be an evening star, which does make him a little more careful and thoughtful. This can be used a reflective period to think about your belief systems, goals and aspirations and your vision for the future.

On Thursday, March 30, there are two transits to pay attention to. First up, Mars, who just made his ingress into Cancer, will trine the planet of rules and limits, Saturn. Mars is in a sign that’s requiring him to think about connection, especially with friends and family. Mars is a little subdued in Cancer, perhaps channeling his expressing his aggression and passion in more roundabout ways. With Mars coming into contact with the planet of structure, Saturn, think about what boundaries you need to put up around friend and family relationships. Even think about rules and structure that you need to erect in the home – perhaps when it comes to organizing, keeping track of chores, tidying up, getting rid of clutter, that sort of thing. Trines are about ease and flow, so this isn’t going to feel like you’re under stress or pressure. It’s more about how you can create space or set up rules that will benefit you when the heat is on.

The next aspect on Thursday is Venus, the planet of relationships, coming into a conjunction with the unsteady energy of Uranus. I love how Bernadette Brady calls conjuncts “invasion of the body snatchers.” This is a great image to think about when two planets come together and merge their energy. Venus is about our intimate connections, the ways we enjoy ourselves and beauty. But Uranus wants to shake things up. The simplest expression of this transit is some kind of unexpected event dealing with relationships. Since it’s happening in Venus’ domicile of Taurus, there may be some material matters, even money, that’s involved. You may get some kind of out-of-the-blue news about your money that leaves you clamoring. Maybe a bill collector calls that require you to drain a bit of savings to get them off your back. Volatility is a great Uranus keyword. Watch for potential explosive interactions with your partner. This transit doesn’t have to be scary, though. Under a Uranus-Venus transit, you may meet someone who takes you by surprise and whom you want to go on a date with and get to know. 

Okay, there you have it. That’s the astrology that will take us through the end of March. Don’t forget to head over to my Book a Consultation page and schedule a time with me if you want to learn more about how these planetary cycles are affecting you personally. Every Sunday I dedicate to donation-based consultations.


Starting Over—New Moon in Aries