Starting Over—New Moon in Aries

This week we’re treated to a powerful New Moon happening in the sign of Aries, a lunation that is likely to signify a fresh start in the Mars-ruled portions of our chart.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the week ahead forecast for March 18 to 25, don’t forget to head over there after getting the lowdown on the upcoming New Moon for March.

Tuesday, March 21 brings a major pileup of planets in the sign of Aries, including the Sun and the Moon coming into a conjunction at 0 Aries. This degree, often called the Aries point, is closely linked to the astrological new year and the Spring Equinox. The New Moon hitting his point creates potent energy for fresh starts, turning a new leaf, taking a new risk, forging ahead on a new adventure or starting a new career or life path. 

The ruler of this lunation is Mars, and he’s in a particularly strong position this week as he prepares to end his eight-month transit of Gemini and ingress into the sign of Cancer. For many of us, we’ve endured quite difficult life transitions as Mars ground away at our mutable placements week after week in Gemini. Finally, Mars will be leaving, with our lives transformed in small and big ways.

This New Moon is a perfect opportunity to think about what your Mars in Gemini story was about. What has changed in your life since August of last year? With him preparing to change signs, this makes the emphasis of this New Moon about settling into our new realities and getting to work on what we want our next big adventure to look like in the weeks and months ahead.

Notice that Mars is in an out-of-sign square with the New Moon. This is a huge tell about the quality and tone of this lunation. Squares are active. They involve us making decisions and choices that cause change in our situations and surroundings. Mars is issuing a sort of challenge for you to jump-start whatever part of your chart is under the auspices of Aries. If this is your 2nd house by whole sign, think about how you can get things moving when it comes to your finances. Or, if this is your 10th house of career, what moves are you wanting to make to take you career to a whole new level. Again, I think this New Moon is strongly linked the Mars in Gemini story. If we’ve had endings brought about by Mars in the last eight months, this New Moon could point toward the new beginning that comes in the weeks and months ahead, and all the busyness that we’ll be involved in to get that part of our life moving.

Meanwhile, this New Moon happens while copresent with the triplicity ruler of Aries, Jupiter. This adds an expansiveness to this lunation. We’re likely to feel like we can take a risk, try something new or push beyond our perceived limits and abilities. Also conjunct this New Moon is the planet Mercury, which is coming off of a very intense week combust the Sun. If Mercury entering into cazimi with the Sun is like a sick man taking to his sick bed, the emerging of Mercury from combustion like a man regaining his health and strength. This is a powerful symbol, I think, of our recovery from a difficult few weeks and months (hello, Mars in Gemini). We should see Jupiter and a Mercury here as hopeful signs of what is to come for us between now and the corresponding Full Moon in Aries on September 28.

Okay, so there you have it. That’s your New Moon forecast for March. As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into these cycles, please head on over to my Book a Consultation page to schedule a session with me. Every Sunday morning is reserved as a donation-only period. 


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