This Powerful Planetary Interchange Could Define 2023

This powerful planetary interchange could define 2023.

When the clock strikes midnight and the champagne flows at your new year’s eve party, a dramatic planetary interchange will be underway in the night sky that could tell us a lot about 2023 and its themes.

Astrologers cast what’s called “event charts” for almost every possible life happening, from weddings to the start of businesses. These charts can tell us the nature of the undertaking, what can be expected and how the venture will turn out. And there’s no reason the new year should be any different.

As we ring in 2023, the relationship planet Venus will be in a nearly exact conjunction with the planet of breakdown, Pluto. Just a few degrees away, the communication planet Mercury is retrograde. This will be happening in the sign of Capricorn, which has associations with governmental structures, money and corporations. 

So what could this all mean for the new year?

First, we could see the disintegration (Pluto) of diplomatic relationships (Venus). With the war in Ukraine waging, I do wonder to what extent the United States gets involved more directly. And if it does, will the U.S.’s allies be there to support?

Second, Venus has associations with money in modern astrology, as does Capricorn. Mercury, in traditional astrology, is the planet of markets and the mercantile. Could this interchange be pointing toward a deepening and more severe recession?

Additionally, this may not be a great year for labor union contract negotiations. Capricorn is associated with corporations, and we may see a deepening of anti-worker policies and employment practices that exploit low-wage workers. 

A case in point would be Starbucks, and the organizing by its employees that’s been happening across the country to unionize. Unfortunately, Venus conjunct Pluto and co-present with Mercury Retrograde doesn’t exactly spell victory for the little guy.

In our personal lives, we may want to stay vigilant for ways that good relations breakdown, especially due to misunderstandings and miscommunications. 

Pluto is often associated with secrecy and betrayal. When Venus is involved, this could mean revelations coming to the surface that fundamentally transform our relationships. 

Similarly, Venus-Pluto interchanges are often associated with intense magnetism, unbridled passions, and hot romances. If this interchange is happening in one of your relational houses, like the 7th, it could be possible that you get involved in a steamy fling. If you’re already in a relationship, this may spell taking it to a deeper, more emotional level.

So as the year progresses, keep an eye out for events that fit this Venus-Pluto-Mercury archetype. And if you want to learn more about how this may show up in your life, why not hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page? I’m here to help you get the most of our astrology’s ancient and practical insights.


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