What Does the New Moon in Aquarius Mean for You?

New Moon in Aquarius

Contributions to the community, acting on your values even when they separate you from others, and putting plans into motion to innovate your ideal future come into focus when the first New Moon of 2023 occurs in Aquarius on Jan. 21

Every New Moon is about planting seeds that will germinate, grow and thrive in the months leading up to the corresponding Full Moon, when these goals come to its maturity. (The corresponding Full Moon for this cycle will occur in Aquarius on Aug. 1.)

With this New Moon ruled by Saturn, the quintessential taskmaster, rulemaker, and stern father, you’ll likely be thinking about ways to break free from the values, habits, and rules that bind and limit you. 

Aquarius is a sign of rebellion, freedom and marching to the beat of your own drum, so this New Moon is about asserting your unique vision for the future. At the same time, Aquarius is deeply concerned with contributions to wider humanity. This New Moon may get you thinking about how you can make a difference in your community.

Here are some key reflection questions to help you begin to shape your goals for this eight-month Aquarius New Moon-Full Moon cycle.

What is holding you back?

It’s sometimes hard for people to believe that the planet of rules, Saturn, governs a sign known for its staunch need for freedom, Aquarius. But people forget that Saturn was the rebellious one, overthrowing his father Ouranos (Uranus) and usurping his power.

Now, I’m not saying you should step all over others to get what you want. Instead, Aquarius is about keeping the collective good in mind while asserting one’s vision for improvement.

With this New Moon ruled by the planet of limits, you might want to contemplate what rules, structures or rigid thinking might be holding you back from creating your ideal future. 

Perhaps your current place of employment doesn’t allow you the flexibility to be available to your children when they get out of school. Maybe the next eight months are about figuring out how to become self-employed and work from home?

Similarly, you may be in a romantic relationship that is beginning to stifle your need for autonomy. Maybe your friendships are beginning to drop off because your relationship has become all-consuming. How can you break free?

How can you connect with others who align with your vision?

Aquarius is a social sign, despite its dogged individualist streak. If there are goals that you hope to reach, but people who don’t serve that vision, how can you find a tribe that is more aligned with your needs?

Let’s say you’ve been thinking about becoming a vegan or vegetarian because of your compassion for animals. Perhaps to help keep you accountable toward this goal, you might want to begin taking yoga classes and meeting friends there who share your values for non-violence.

Or let’s say you want to overcome abuse of alcohol or substances. Joining AA or a group counseling circle will help bring people into your life that help you reach your vision for your best life.

How can I improve the lives of those around me?

Aquarius is represented by the archetype of the water bearer, who makes the long journey to the river bed to collect fresh water that he transports back to the village and community.

This New Moon could be about ways in which you can make a difference in the lives of others. Now, I’m not saying you need to quit your job and join the Peace Corps. There are simpler ways to be the change you want to see in the world.

My grandmother was fond of the saying, “Charity begins at home.” How can you support your family and friends by giving of your time? Maybe it’s by committing to help an elderly neighbor mow his lawn once a month. Or volunteering to coach youth soccer at your child’s school.

Whatever goals you’re making this New Moon, think about how this will support the people around you.

As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what these cycles mean in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. Every lunation is occurring in a particular part of the chart corresponding to a unique aspect of life. I can help you understand how to make the most of these planetary influences.


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