Venus Conjunct Jupiter — Astro Weather for the Week of Feb. 27 to March 5

This weekʻs astrological events all pile up mid-week on Wednesday and Thursday, highlighting several potential themes including endings and closure, long-term business planning, a transition to a period focused on our daydreams and imagination, and getting support from people in high places.

Weʻre in a bit of a holding pattern this week, awaiting some major astrological shifts that will take place during the month of March. Saturn, who has spent the last two-and-a-half years in Aquarius, is preparing for a major transition to Pisces, which will occur early next week. Then, later in March, Pluto will pop into Aquarius for a few months before retrograding back into Capricorn.

But, before then, thereʻs plenty of astro weather to work with this week. Here are the transits Iʻm paying attention to in the week ahead.

Wednesday, March 1

Venus Conjunct Jupiter

The Lesser and Greater Benefics, Venus and Jupiter, come together in a conjunction, making this is a time of support, advice, or even a financial boost. Jupiter is very much focused on beginnings right now, given his placement in a cardinal fire sign. Venus coming into alignment with him feels very much like getting the help you need to get moving on a project, venture or relationship. Jupiter is big and expansive, so watch for ways that your projects or relationships are growing beyond their previous boundaries. If youʻve been hesitating about asking for help or approaching a bank for a small business loan, this might be good energy to use to your advantage. People may also be turning to you for help and support. 

Thursday, March 2

Mercury Conjunct Saturn

Mercury, the planet of business, commerce and communications, comes into a conjunction with Saturn, the planet of rules and structure. This has the feel of thoughtful, long-term planning, especially in the area of business and finance. Certainly contracts, getting agreements in writing, concretizing deals and plans all fit with this energy. Saturn is often the planet of endings or long-term plans, so anything you sign your name to this week, be sure itʻs something you want to be involved with for the long haul. Saturn wants you to be thoughtful and perhaps even a little conservative around your business deals. As I mentioned earlier, Saturn is preparing to leave Aquarius next week, so this aspect is one of his lasts before making that transition. This has the energy of finality, to it. You may be saying goodbye to one chapter of life and preparing to transition to another soon. Think of this aspect a little like the closing credits on a movie.

Thursday, March 2

Mercury Enters Pisces

Later in the day, Mercury is going to leave Aquarius and enter the sign of Pisces, where he will spend the next 17 days or so. Pisces energy is very different from Aquarius energy. Whereas Aquarius wanted Mercury to think outside the box to innovate solutions, Pisces will require Mercury to leave the realm of the intellect and enter the land of dreams and imagination. The couple weeks ahead is a great time to settle into your feelings and work on new ways to process your emotions, whether through writing, painting, music or therapy. You may find yourself feeling a little hazy on concrete facts. Thatʻs because Mercury is focused more on abstract thinking while in Pisces. If youʻve been hoping to start a journaling practice, this transit would be perfect for that. So would practices like creative writing, poetry and even writing songs.

And there you have it. As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what these cycles mean in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. I can help you understand how to make the most of these planetary influences.


Here Comes the Breakdown! Pluto in Aquarius


Venus Enters Aries — Week Ahead Forecast for Feb. 20 to 27