Venus Enters Aries — Week Ahead Forecast for Feb. 20 to 27

A sense of hope and optimism colors the beginning of the week with the Moon emerging from her conjunction with the Sun and slowly gaining light in the sign of Pisces. This New Moon was an opportunity to sit with our hopes and begin to think about how we can stop putting our aspirations on the back burner. If you haven’t had an opportunity to check out my New Moon in Pisces forecast, hop on over to that blog after this one

There’s an action-oriented start to the week, too, with the Moon applying immediately to a square with Mars. In fact, action is a keyword for this week, and here’s why. Aries, the sign of action, is highlighted this week with a major planetary ingress, and Mercury hits two active planets — Uranus and Mars — this week, too.

However, the big event this week is Venus moving into the cardinal fire sign of Aries, making a period of forward momentum and impulse around relationships or creative endeavors. And that is where we will begin our forecast for this week.

So, let’s jump right into. Here are a few transits happening this week to keep on your radar screen.

Monday, Feb. 20

Venus Enters Aries

Venus will spend the next 25 days transiting the sign of Aries. This is not a super comfortable place for her, given that it’s opposite her domicile of Libra. But she’s co-present with the fire triplicity ruler of Jupiter, lending support, blessing and optimism to her stay here. Aries is a sign concerned with action, competition, drive and passion, and Venus prefers to be in places where she can lounge around sipping Mai Tais and catching up with friends. Given the action-oriented nature of Aries, this could spell a busy period for social interactions. Now may be a time when we’re making new friends, starting creative projects, going on lots of dates or even getting a lot more action in the bedroom. Aries is hot and dry, and the dryness brings separation. This could potentially be a period where fights or frictions develop in our social relationships. Be on the lookout for ways that you’re asked to experiment or take a risk when it comes to your personal connections or creative work. 

Tuesday, Feb, 21

Mercury Square Uranus

These two communication-oriented signs come into hard aspect on Tuesday, but the energy around this aspect has been building for a few days and will last for the week or so. A challenging communication may come your way that forces a decision or an action. Uranus is the planet of surprise and the unexpected. News or information may catch you off guard this week and require you to innovate a solution on the fly. You may need to stay agile this week. That’s because plans, paperwork, contracts, or projects could experience a disruption or delay. I can’t help but think about technology challenges happening this week — devices breaking and needing to be upgraded or replaced, for instance. My rationale for this is obviously the communication signification for both these planets, but also the fact that Mercury is in sign — Aquarius — that is about invention and innovation. Whatever comes up surrounding this transit, it’s likely to catch us off guard.

Wednesday, Feb. 22

Mercury Trine Mars

Mercury hits another major aspect a day later, this time with the planet of action, Mars. Since September of last year, we’ve been in the midst of Mars’ long and arduous transit of the sign of Gemini. His retrograde period quite possibly stirred up this part of your chart, leading to major shifts or developments in your life. For myself, this has been a period of moving homes twice, leaving a job and preparing to start a new one. With Mars coming into a positive aspect with his domicile lord, Mercury, I can’t help but think of this aspect being about getting the support and clarity you need to move forward on whatever has shifted in your life since September. We may have felt like the Gemini part of our lives has been on fire for while now, and suddenly the ruler of that sign coming into trine aspect with it may feel like relief from the heat and pressure of Mars. 

Thursday, Feb. 23

Moon Enters Taurus

It’s a bit of a quiet week, so I figured I would mention this lovely ingress. Once every month, we are treated to the Moon entering the sign of its exaltation, Taurus, where she will remain for about two-and-a-half days. The Moon exalted lends a sense of comfort, joy, and feelings of ease to life in general. If you have something important that you need to do get done, using the Moon in exaltation can add a little blessing and support to the endeavor. Given that the Moon is disposited by an Aries Venus, you might think about what you want to start in the area of relationships or creativity. The North Node is currently in Taurus, and this amplifies this sense of optimism and ease as the Moon transits this point on her path.

And there you have it. As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what these cycles mean in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. I can help you understand how to make the most of these planetary influences.


Venus Conjunct Jupiter — Astro Weather for the Week of Feb. 27 to March 5


It’s Pisces Season – Week Ahead Forecast for Feb. 13 to 19