Here’s How Venus Entering Pisces Impacts You

The planet of beauty and relationships, Venus, is entering into the otherworldly, imaginative sign of Pisces this week. Known for its connection to martyrs and poets, Pisces is one of Venus’ special places in the zodiac. Here’s how her entrance into this sign will impact you.

First things first, the data. Venus pops into Pisces on Friday, Jan. 27 where she will remain until Sunday, Feb. 19. She moves quickly, so her influence here is not likely to be life-changing. Nevertheless, if you have any planets in Pisces or other mutable signs (Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius), or in the water signs of Scorpio and Cancer, you may see some impact from her movement.

As the planet of connection transits through a sign known for its lack of boundaries, it’s quite likely that some of us will want to get lost in the other. During this time we might tumble into dream-like idealization of our partners or the person we’re admiring. 

Use this time to deepen your connection with the people you love. Given both Pisces’ and Venus’ connection to poetry and music, now might be a good time to make a Spotify playlist for someone close to you, adding in all the songs you’ve shared along your journey through life together. 

Memories are key to Pisces, too. If you’ve lost people over the past year through relationship splits or death, this could be a highly charged period for you. You may find yourself reliving moments you shared together and getting drawn into idealizing these people. While grieving the loss is necessary, be careful of romanticizing relationships that weren’t always perfect.

This could be a highly emotional time in relationship matters, as well. Pisces is known for its depth of feeling and its ability to take on the pain and suffering of others. With Venus moving through this watery terrain, we may lose ourselves in empathy, absorbing the emotional discharges of other people and treating these feelings as our own.

This transit isn’t all outward-looking, either. Pisces can express itself through the healing arts like therapy, meditation, yoga nidra and music. Now would be a great time to lean into some of these practices to bring yourself space for self-care and regeneration.

As always, you should look where Pisces lands in your whole sign chart. If on the Ascendant, for instance, you may find yourself desiring the beauty of connection over these next couple of weeks. 

On the Midheaven, it’s possible that work and career relationships take on special prominence, or you have a need to be more expressive and creative in the tasks you’re doing for work. 

Likewise, on the Descendant, attention may shift to relationships with your partner, while the Imum Coeli signifies relationships with your parents.

Use this time to bring healing and connection to these important relationships in your life — whether yourself, your parents, your partner or your acquaintances. 

A few key Venus transits to watch for:

Friday, Feb. 3

Venus Square Mars

This could be a time of conflict or even splits. Venus brings her Piscean idealism to a Mars that beginning to pick up speed. These two planets have a love-hate relationship with one another, with Venus often trying to calm and temper fiery Mars. Watch for places where you’re trying to bring a level head to a situation that feels ablaze. 

Tuesday, Feb. 7

Venus Sextile Uranus

Leave room for the unexpected during the days leading up to and following this transit. Surprises may show up in your relationship that are pleasant and helpful. Uranus often manifests as news and information that shakes things up. This could manifest as a welcome addition to a relationship circumstance given the sextile involved. 

Tuesday, Feb, 17

Venus Conjunct Neptune

Now might be a time when you find yourself lost in memories or reveries of relationships long past. Neptune causes situations to be a bit hazy and dream-like. It’s possible if you’re dealing with any relationship-related issues during this time that you may not be thinking too clearly. This aspect has the feeling of a rainy day spent under the covers with someone you love. It’s cozy and beautiful for a time, but you can’t live there forever.

Sunday, Feb. 19

Venus Sextile Pluto

Kurt Cobain once referred to himself as a “sad little Pisces.” This connection between Venus and Pluto has that feel to it. This might be a day where you’re processing losses you’ve experienced in relationships in order to ultimately move on and heal. Don’t forget that healing is a process. Pluto is the breakdown that will lead you eventually to the breakthrough.

As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what these cycles mean in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. Every lunation is occurring in a particular part of the chart corresponding to a unique aspect of life. I can help you understand how to make the most of these planetary influences.


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