What the Full Moon in Leo Means for You

In any other context, the Full Moon in Leo can point to a playful, entertaining experience, but with this lunation occurring under direct influence of the planet of disruption, Uranus, expect the unexpected.

All Full Moons are the culmination of seeds planted during the corresponding New Moon that occurred in that sign six to eight months prior. That New Moon in Leo occurred on July 28, 2022. 

Think back to what was happening last summer for you. Were you attempting to start a creative venture at that time? You may have been auditioning for plays, trying to start a website, taking classes to build your skills in a new hobby or interest.

For many, this was a time of affirmation and hopefulness. The Great Benefic, Jupiter, was trine the Sun-Moon conjunction, which may have pointed to certain creative goals coming together with ease. Perhaps a funding source for your project came through or a mentor provided you with a boost. 

Over the last six months or so, this goal or life situation has had time to mature and grow. This Full Moon is the culmination of months of work. Your project is more visible to others now. People are seeing the value you can bring with this new skill you’ve developed.

Full Moon in Leo 2023

But the chart for this Full Moon is much different from her corresponding New Moon. The Moon is separating from a trine with Jupiter, perhaps signifying that you’ve received the blessing and support you needed to get started and that influence is now in the rearview mirror. You’ve developed a level of self-sustainability, which is commendable, but now it feels a little scary, as if you’re now in this all alone.

Nearby Venus and Mars are in a tight square. While not directly connected to the New Moon by aspect, this interchange colors the air of this Full Moon nonetheless. 

This aspect can point to a level of conflict in relationships that are perhaps associated with this goal you are trying to achieve. You may have even needed to separate yourself from people, groups or a business that’s no longer serving your ultimate purpose.

And then there’s the disruptive presence of Uranus that I mentioned at the top of this post. Uranus is trickster energy. In the tarot, he’s the Fool card, the archetype of one who has packed his bag for an adventure and is leaving everything behind to pursue his goal.

Uranus is in a tight square with the Moon. This could signify taking an aggressive route to shine and stand out when it comes to this goal or pursuit of yours. It can mean taking a risk, perhaps ruffling feathers or going against convention.

He’s also highly unpredictable. When it comes to your goal at its current stage of development, this Full Moon could manifest as a curve ball. Something disruptive comes out of nowhere and shakes everything up.

Below are some examples of what this Full Moon can mean through the 12 rising signs. 


With this Full Moon occurring in your 5th house, a goal dealing with children or a creative pursuit is highlighted. Perhaps you’ve been trying to get pregnant and you receive unexpected news that you’ve finally conceived. Or you’ve been trying to land a job as a teaching artist in schools, and you’re notified a job is available.


This lunation is happening in your 4th house of home or family. Think of what goals you’ve been trying to accomplish on this front. Perhaps you’ve really wanted to move cities and you’ve been looking for jobs that will allow you to do this. You may receive unexpected news that makes this possible. 


With the 3rd house highlighted, perhaps you’ve been trying to build a closer bond with brothers, sisters or relatives. A change in your life may allow this to happen. Perhaps they move closer to you or you decide to dedicate more energy to taking frequent short trips to see them.


You may have been toying with creative ways to invest or build your personal finances over the past few months, and now you’re seeing some of those efforts bear fruit. Watch for something out of the blue to shake up your pursuits.


Have you been experimenting with creative fitness regimens or toying with different diet plans in hopes of building healthier habits? These efforts might be paying off. But something or someone is going to shake things up. Maybe your personal trainer or fitness coach moves and now you need to find someone new to support you.


This Full Moon occurs in your dark 12th house. Work you’ve been doing on your mental health may be highlighted. You’ve made a lot of progress over the past few months, perhaps taking up a meditation practice, yoga, counseling and more. Something unexpected may throw you off your trajectory.


Have you been doing work to build up your relationships with friends? Or putting yourself out there in networking contexts like socials for young professionals? These efforts may be paying off to help you meet new people aligned with your values. Watch for unexpected conflict or someone new shaking up the social scene.


Six months ago, something was happening in your career that left you feeling hopeful. You’ve been toiling away to make this dream or goal a reality, and now the buds of those efforts are beginning to blossom. Something new may take you by surprise or disrupt your plans.


You’ve been studying hard, perhaps trying to learn a new language or immerse yourself in different world philosophies. Now, everything you thought you knew about yourself is turned upside down by these different perspectives you’ve learned. In what ways are your studies, faith, or religion disruptive?


You’re used to being super practical with money, and perhaps over the past few months, you’ve been working hard to pay down debt or find creative ways to save money. While you like to have everything planned out, this Full Moon can signal a disruption to your financial situation.


With this Full Moon occurring in your 7th house, perhaps you’ve been swiping right on Tinder for a while hoping to find Mr. Right only to end up with Mr. Right Now. The tides have been turning. Maybe you think you’ve found someone who’s in it for the long term. Expect surprising news on this front.


This lunation occurs in your 6th house of work and obligations. Think about what goals you’ve been toiling away at over these past few months on that front. Perhaps you’ve been trying to find creative ways to earn a living and decrease your obligations. Something unexpected shakes this up.

As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what these cycles mean in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. Every lunation is occurring in a particular part of the chart corresponding to a unique aspect of life. I can help you understand how to make the most of these planetary influences.


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