Astro Weather for the Week of Jan. 30 to Feb. 5

Astro Weather for the Week of Jan. 30 to Feb. 5

The main event this week is the Full Moon occurring in the creative, self-expressive sign of Leo. This adds a bit of a dramatic flair to the week ahead, especially with the influence of Uranus — the celestial disrupter — in a few aspects this week. Here are just a few of the transits that are occurring in the skies this week.

Monday, Jan. 30

Sun Trine Mars

The week begins with this energizing influence carrying over from the weekend. With Mars now direct and coming into a helpful aspect with the Sun, now is a great time to get started on that idea you’ve been kicking around. Both planets are in air signs, the realm of the intellect, communication and personal connection. Mars can act like the ignition you need to get ideas moving. Whatever you’re working on, see if you can bring others into the fold – the social element of air likes teamwork and collaboration. If you’ve been putting off starting a new fitness regimen, now might be a good time to get that going. 

Thursday, Feb. 2

Sun Square Uranus

Conflict or tension could arise today from egoic impulses. Something or someone is challenging or asserting itself against whatever you’re attempting to accomplish this week. The need for independence, freedom and autonomy may be expressed under the influence of this transit. If you’re the one attempting to break free from a current circumstance, the caveat here is to do it without causing too much interpersonal conflict. Can you reign in the ego enough to prevent explosive outbursts or unexpected reactions to a challenging situation?

Friday, Feb. 3

Venus Square Mars

This aspect has the feel of severing ties or walking away from relationships or partnerships that aren’t living up to our expectations. Venus is moving through the hazy realm of Pisces, and it’s quite possible that whatever relationship dynamics are coming up this week are not exactly as they appear to be. Mars, for his part, is finally getting moving again in Gemini, and this can mean if you’ve been putting off a decision related to a relationship, business partnership or creative venture, it’s possible that you feel the impulse to finally act under this planetary interchange. But it won’t be easy. Squares are challenging. They often express themselves as head-butting, obstacles, arguments or clashes of will. But ultimately, hard situations pay off if we can move through them with a little bit of grace. With Venus in Pisces, today could also bring up memories of past relationships that challenge us emotionally. Venus and Mars are the archetypical star-crossed lovers. Their dynamic, while passionate and charged, is quite often a bit tragic. Is there a relationship break that you’re forced to mourn this week?

Sunday, Feb. 5

Full Moon in Leo

With this lunation occurring under direct influence of the planet of disruption, Uranus, expect the unexpected. The Moon is separating from a trine with Jupiter, perhaps signifying that you’ve received the blessing and support you needed to get started and that influence is now in the rearview mirror. Uranus is in a tight square with the Moon. This could signify taking an aggressive route to shine and stand out when it comes to this goal or pursuit of yours. It can mean taking a risk, perhaps ruffling feathers or going against convention. He adds a layer of instability and unpredictability to this lunation. You can read the complete Full Moon forecast here. 

And there you have it. As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what these cycles mean in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. Every transit and lunation is occurring in a particular part of the chart corresponding to a unique aspect of your life. I can help you understand how to make the most of these planetary influences.


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