It’s Pisces Season – Week Ahead Forecast for Feb. 13 to 19

Week Ahead Forecast for Feb. 13-19

We start the week with the Moon rapidly shedding light in the sign of Scorpio. If you’re feeling a little emotionally spent or even a little tired, this is a reflection of the Moon moving into her balsamic phase. Best to spend these days in a little bit of introspection and rest.

The week culminates with the New Moon on Feb. 19 in Pisces. This lunation is ruled by an action-oriented Jupiter in Aries, which wants you to get moving on your aspirations for the future. For a complete self-reflection guide to that lunation, check out my New Moon forecast right after this one.

Let’s break down the rest of the week ahead.

Tuesday, Feb. 14

Venus Conjunct Neptune

On Valentine’s Day, the planet of beauty and relationships, Venus, will be applying to a conjunction with dreamy Neptune, which will perfect the next day on the 15th. This is really the perfect transit for romance and getting lost in that warm and fuzzy feeling of being in love. There’s something deeply spiritual about this transit given its occurence in the sign of Pisces. If you’re not caught up in the rapture of being in love, this would be a great time to do something selfless for a person in need in your life. We can get a lot of the same endorphins that come from being in love by doing a little giving of ourselves in a selfless way.

Wednesday, Feb. 15

Sun Conjunct Saturn

The Sun is shining a huge spotlight on your obligations, work and duties. Under this planetary influence, we may feel like there is a lot that we need to accomplish. Don’t get too overwhelmed. Saturn is a slow and steady kind of planet, so making a to-do list and setting easy-to-accomplish micro-goals can help you stave off going crazy with the amount of work on your plate. This transit is occurring in the social sign of Aquarius, so you might think about how you can enlist support from the people around you to relieve a bit from your plates. This transit has a sober vibe, so if there’s work that demands you put on your serious hat, now is the time to take advantage of this energy. The Moon is coming to sextile this transit, as well, so you might think about how these obligations relate to the home, the body, your mother, or your family.

Friday, Feb. 17

Mercury Sextile Jupiter

We spoke last week about how Mercury’s time in Aquarius could be best spent by figuring out how to think about or do something differently in your life, especially in the realm of the mind or communications. This week, Jupiter is casting rays from Aries signaling that we may be getting support and guidance for the Mercury parts of your chart — Virgo and Gemini. Jupiter is in an action-oriented sign right now, so this transit could feel like getting the push you need to get out of a mental rut or innovate a solution to a problem you’re dealing with. Sextiles always come in the form of support, so think about who around you is providing a helping hand right now.

Saturday, Feb. 18

Sun Enters Pisces

The entrance of the Sun into Pisces is the precursor to a major ingress occurring next month: Saturn into Pisces. With the Sun coming off of a conjunction with Saturn, think of this period as an opening salvo for what may lie ahead when Saturn makes his ingress in a few weeks time. Pisces is dreamer energy. This is when the first signs of warmer weather begin to peek through the dark clouds of winter. We feel hopeful for the spring months, especially as signs of life begin to emerge around us. Now is a great time to begin to think about your goals and aspirations for the future.

Sunday, Feb. 19

New Moon in Pisces

Speaking of goals, the Feb. 19 New Moon in Pisces, ruled by an action-oriented Jupiter in Aries, wants you to get moving on your aspirations for the future. Jupiter is finally beginning to move through degrees in Aries that he hasn’t been in for some 10 years or so. This adds a trailblazing element to this New Moon. Coupled with Aries’ desire for forward progress, now is the exact right time to take steps to make your aspirations a reality. Don’t forget to check out my complete New Moon forecast and reflection guide.

And there you have it. As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what these cycles mean in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. I can help you understand how to make the most of these planetary influences.


Venus Enters Aries — Week Ahead Forecast for Feb. 20 to 27


Stop Delaying Your Dreams — New Moon in Pisces