Stop Delaying Your Dreams — New Moon in Pisces

New Moon in Pisces

Your dreams have been put on the back burner for long enough. The Feb. 19 New Moon in Pisces, ruled by an action-oriented Jupiter in Aries, wants you to get moving on your aspirations for the future. 

Every New Moon is about planting seeds that will germinate, grow and thrive in the months leading up to the corresponding Full Moon, when these goals come to their maturity. (The corresponding Full Moon for this cycle will occur in Pisces on Aug. 30.)

Jupiter is finally beginning to move through degrees in Aries that he hasn’t been in for some 10 years or so. This adds a trailblazing element to this New Moon. Coupled with Aries’ desire for forward progress, now is the exact right time to take steps to make your aspirations a reality.

The Moon is separating by just a few degrees from Saturn in the latter degrees of Aquarius. This is essentially an out-of-sign conjunction. Saturn is work-oriented. He wants us to put in the hours and manpower to get where we’re going. This New Moon may be asking us where we’re willing to put in the hard work to make our goals become reality. 

Then there’s the Moon and Sun co-present with Venus and Neptune, two planets that have desires for deep emotional and spiritual fulfillment. This could be asking us to consider how reaching our desired goal will bring more satisfaction and meaning to our lives.

Here are some reflection questions to consider as the New Moon in Pisces approaches. As always, be sure to check where Pisces lands in your whole sign chart. This will tell you what area of life these goals should be focused on.

In what ways am I blind to my deepest desires, hopes and aspirations?

The ruler of this New Moon, Jupiter, is in a blind spot to Pisces. In traditional astrology, we’d say that he’s averse, or unable to manage his domicile to best of his abilities. 

Symbolically, we could think about areas of life where we have been ignoring or neglecting our deepest desires. Often we go through life worried about the needs and desires of others, whether they be our spouse, children, boss or friends. Our own needs take a backseat.

In my own life, I’ve gone through periods of neglecting my physical health, going for long periods of time without rolling out the yoga mat or going to the gym. And primarily this happened because I was expending so much energy on other people’s needs (ie: work) and ignoring my own.

Think about parts of your life where you tell yourself, “I wish…” Maybe it’s “I wish I could visit Paris.” Or, “I wish I could write that book I’ve been dreaming up.” A Jupiter-ruled New Moon is the perfect time to make a resolution surrounding this desire.

Where am I emotionally or spiritually unfulfilled?

My yoga teacher, Yogarupa Rod Stryker, often says that deep dissatisfaction is a symptom of a desire that’s gone unfulfilled. Think about someone in an unhappy marriage. They’re unhappy for a reason — something is missing from the relationship, whether that be emotional intimacy, vulnerability, trust, affection, the list goes on.

Your restlessness is the emotional equivalent to pain sensations in the physical body. Unlike bodily pain, most people don’t seek out solutions for their dissatisfaction. Instead, we tend to numb or run from the feelings. This New Moon is an opportunity to sit in your feeling of disquiet and figure out what is going unfulfilled.

Perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your work. But you keep doing it because you need to earn a living and put food on the table. That’s perfectly understandable. This New Moon may be the time to think about how you can bring more fulfillment into your career. Maybe that’s a full-on career change. Or it’s something smaller like going part-time or getting permission to work from home. 

Wherever your dissatisfaction, fulfillment is only going to come if you take action.

How am I optimistic about the future?

Pisces being a Jupiterian sign lends a sense of optimism to this New Moon. Any change that you hope to make to your life, or any goal you hope to set this New Moon, needs the fuel of hope. In other words, where do you think you can affect the most change? What area of life feels like fertile ground for a new beginning?

Think about the Pisces part of your chart and what you’re hopeful for in this area of life. Let’s say Pisces is in your 7th house of relationships. If you’re single and you’ve just moved to a new city, maybe this is a great time in your life to start meeting new people, going on dates and making emotional connections. 

Or if Pisces if in your 10th house of career, perhaps you’ve felt stuck in your career and recently you began a new hobby or interest that has the potential to become a side hustle or a full-blown job. This New Moon would be the perfect time to lay the groundwork for monetizing your new skill.

As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what these cycles mean in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. Every lunation is occurring in a particular part of the chart corresponding to a unique aspect of life. I can help you understand how to make the most of these planetary influences.


It’s Pisces Season – Week Ahead Forecast for Feb. 13 to 19


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