Let’s Get Organized — Week Ahead for Feb. 6 to Feb. 12

This week begins with the Moon entering the detail-oriented sign of Virgo. For the first three days or so, this is a great time to spend getting organized, planning out projects, doing your taxes and otherwise getting paperwork sorted out, especially as the Moon comes to trine Mercury on Wednesday. 

In fact, the theme of structure and organization is emphasized as the Sun slowly comes into orb with the planet of rules and boundaries, Saturn. This aspect won’t perfect until next week, but now is certainly a good time to plan out projects related to the Aquarius part of your chart, especially as this aspect continues to build.

The week comes to a close with the Moon coming into the third-quarter phase in Scorpio. She’s rapidly shedding light after last week’s exciting Full Moon, so this is a great time to go inward and do a little self-reflection and self-care. Rest and rejuvenation are on the menu this weekend, for sure.

Check out my full week ahead forecast on YouTube. Don’t forget to like and subscribe.

Here are a few other aspects to help you plan out your week ahead:

Monday, Feb. 6

Mercury Sextile Neptune

There’s certainly a dream-like quality with this planetary contact, and you may find yourself distracted from more ordinary, boring tasks. Think about how you can find a marriage between your head and your heart under this transit, and this may help break you out of the desire to drift off into day dreams rather than get work done. Neptune may be asking that you bring in a creative element to whatever sort of organizing or paperwork that you’re involved in today. Maybe try listening to music while you work, or taking your work outside, perhaps answering emails from the beach. Creative writing is definitely a Mercury-Neptune activity, whether that be poems, lyrics a story or even a blog post. 

Wednesday, Feb. 8

Venus Sextile Uranus

This is a great transit to try out an unusual or unexpected date night, whether that be going out with someone you wouldn’t normally be attracted to or trying a cuisine that’s outside your comfort zone. Uranus is constantly pushing us to do things differently, sometimes to shake us out of our routine and other times to help us grow past what we think we’re capable of. Think about how you can bring an element of surprise or experimentation into your relationships or creative work. If you’re used to writing blogs, why not try making a video? If you’re always hanging out with the same friend, day after day, maybe call someone you haven’t seen in a while. 

Thursday, Feb. 9

Mercury Conjunct Pluto

Dark thoughts may creep into the psyche under this contact. Pluto is about plumbing the depths – he’s often making us confront the things that scare us, repel us or otherwise leave us emotionally vulnerable. Conjunctions are a bit like a hostile takeover. I’m reminded of the lyrics from the Donnie Darko song, The Sound of Silence, “Hello darkness, my old friend.” Mercury’s usual practical thinking is overrun by Pluto’s need to go deep or go home. Watch for thoughts today that you usually avoid contemplating – whether that be regrets, grief or betrayals. Rather than run from them, what would happen if you spent time in that dark place? The good thing is Mercury moves quickly, so you won’t need to be here forever.

Saturday, Feb. 11

Mercury Enters Aquarius

The week closes with Mercury entering the sign of Aquarius. He’ll be here for the rest of February, co-present with Aquarius’ ruler, Saturn. I like this placement a lot – the planet of the mind and communication is quite comfortable in air signs. Aquarius is the sign of the inventor, the eccentric, the technology innovator. Mercury here is an opportunity for us to think outside of the box, to do things differently, especially in the areas of life ruled by Mercury (wherever Gemini and Virgo land in your whole sign chart). This can be a great period for experimentation. 

And there you have it. As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what these cycles mean in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. Every transit and lunation is occurring in a particular part of the chart corresponding to a unique aspect of your life. I can help you understand how to make the most of these planetary influences.


Stop Delaying Your Dreams — New Moon in Pisces


Astro Weather for the Week of Jan. 30 to Feb. 5