What Your Rising Sign Can Teach You About Your Health

The Ascendant, or the sign rising over the horizon at the moment of your birth, was considered by the ancients to be the gateway by which you entered into the world. It can signify everything from your appearance to your personality. But did you know it also points toward common health issues you may experience during your lifetime?

Most people are only familiar with astrological signs in relation to the location of the Sun in the natal chart. It’s usually at the stage of encountering their rising sign when clients begin to go through a bit of an astrological identity crisis.

Astrologers — both ancient and modern — continue to see the Ascendant as the place in the birth chart that most describes you. This includes your body type, physical appearance, how you approach life’s challenges, your demeanor, the way people see you, and even your fashion tastes and the fitness modalities you gravitate toward.

The 1st house and the Ascendant are also one of the main places that astrologers will examine when confronting questions about health and vitality. That’s because this sector of the chart is directly related to your body.

A caveat here: Astrology shouldn’t be used as a replacement for proper medical care. It can provide wellness insights, for sure, and help you navigate your overall health by helping you make better choices. However, you should always seek medical attention from a board-certified physician.

To understand health in relation to the rising sign, we’ll lean into the four elements and three classical temperaments of India known as the doshas.

Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius

These Sun- and Mars-ruled signs often manifest in heat-related health issues, like rashes, acne, eczema and dermatitis, high or low blood pressure, migraines, anger and rage, and heart issues.

Ayurveda, the medical science of India, teaches that Pitta (heat) needs to be managed through cooling practices, like meditation, slow movement, yoga, relaxation practices, and sufficient sleep. 

Pitta can also be managed through sweet herbs like mint, cinnamon, cardamom, and milk. Avoid foods that stimulate fire, such as peppers, chili, salsa, hot sauce. Instead, bring in cooling foods like beets, salads, cucumbers, and fruits. While sweet foods are beneficial for Pitta, try not to overdo it with processed sugars, candies, and pastries.

Taurus, Pisces, Capricorn, Cancer

These mostly Earth signs often manifest in cold-related health issues, like weight gain, issues with bones, skin or hair, slow or irregular digestion, depression, lack of vitality, sluggishness, isolation and social withdrawal.

They are related to Kapha Dosha and can be managed by taking up heat-related practices like vigorous exercise, frequent movement, and social contact. 

Spicy foods such as salsas, chili, and tomatoes can help invigorate the body and get Kapha moving. You may also want to eat mostly cooked and hot meals, rather than eating raw vegetables or salads, which have a slowing effect on the digestive system.

Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo

These mostly Air signs (plus Mercury-ruled signs) manifest in air-related health issues like frequent upper respiratory illnesses, insomnia, overthinking and anxiety, nervous system disorders, attention deficit, scattered thoughts, asthma or dry skin issues.

Many of these health challenges are related to the temperament of Vata Dosha and can be managed through grounding practices like slower forms of yoga, meditation, slow breathing exercises, relaxation techniques like yoga nidra and even singing (which is a form of breath practice).

When it comes to diet, it’s best to reduce raw vegetables, processed foods, and caffeine. These foods only serve to stimulate the air element, which you already have plenty enough of. Instead, lean into cooked, grounding meals like stews, soups, rice, oatmeal, and potatoes.

As always, if you’re interested in diving deeper into what your rising sign means in the context of your personal birth chart, hop on over to my “Book a Consultation” page and schedule a time with me. I can help you understand how to use this aspect of your chart to your advantage.


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