Your Astro Weather for the Week of Jan. 23 to 29

We’re now firmly into Aquairus season, which marks the depth of winter in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere (though not here in Hawaii). Aquarius is often associated with detachment, which makes sense when we consider the ways that we withdraw from the bitter cold to spend more time in our cozy homes. In what ways are you using this month to hunker down and retreat inward to invent what you want life to look like when you reemerge?

This week is a little quieter astrologically than previous weeks. There’s no big event like Mercury or Mars stationing direct or the Sun changing signs. If there is a theme emerging, it’s likely about finding flow and ease in our creative endeavors. With the Sun involved in two key transits this week, watch for the ways in which your gifts are affirmed by others (Jupiter) and how you go about pouring your drive and passion (Mars) into creative pursuits.

Here’s what to watch for this week.

Monday, Jan. 23

Venus Conjunct Saturn (exact on Jan. 22)

This aspect perfected on Jan. 22, but its impact is still very much alive over the coming days. The planet of limits, Saturn, is having a strong impact on our relationships and partnerships, Venus, this week. 

This might be a time when you feel the need to put boundaries on relationships, especially if certain people are running roughshod over you. Saturn often rejects or excludes, so this could indicate a short period of time where you’re saying no to certain people or others are saying no to you. This is happening in the sign of Aquarius, which has associations with groups of people and the collective. Think about what ways you’re putting limits on your friendships, colleagues or groups you’re involved with. This is quick moving transit, so this isn’t likely to be a life-altering situation.

If we think about the Venus-Saturn cycle in terms of the aspects these planets make with one another over the course of a year, this can be the start of a new theme in relationships that will develop over the next weeks and months, with the next chapter of this story expressing itself when Venus and Saturn sextile and square. Venus-Saturn conjunctions are often a great time to launch on a new creative project that you want to last for the long term. Use this moment to your advantage if you have a pursuit you’ve been thinking of starting.

Tuesday, Jan. 24

Sun Sextile Jupiter

You may be getting a helping hand on an innovative project that you’re launching under the influence of this aspect. The Sun is in Aquarius, which has associations with the ideas, our vision for the future, improving the lives of those around us and our need for autonomy. Jupiter is lending his support from Aries, associated with the initial spark that gets a fire going. If you have a creative idea, it’s possible someone within reach can give you advice or point you in the right direction. More generally, your sense of self, your ego, your self-esteem may get a nice boost under this transit. Someone is validating your sense of worth.

Sunday, Jan. 29

Sun Trine Mars

This is an energizing transit that may have you quite active today. This is a highly social interchange, with both Gemini and Aquarius involved. You might be zipping from one party or gathering to the next today, and though it may feel exhausting, the social contact is giving you a positive energy boost. This transit can also express itself in the area of ideas. Perhaps you’ve been kicking around ideas for a creative project, and today with Mars in contact with the Sun, it’s like you finally get the rocket fuel you needed to launch. This is a great day to be a weekend warrior and take that hike you’ve been considering, a new fitness or some other adventure that gets the blood pumping.

Sunday, Jan. 29

Mercury Trine Uranus 

Unexpected communication in the area of work, finances or mundane parts of life may take you by surprise today. This is a positive influence, and with Taurus and Capricorn involved, you may receive news that changes your current outlook on a work- or money-related issue. Uranus is a disruptor, and you may be attempting to solve a problem in your life (Mercury) and receive an unexpected breakthrough (Uranus) that helps you see the issue in a new way. With both of these planets dealing with technology or communication, today might be a great day to upgrade to a new laptop or buy a new phone or gadget.


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